Static Typed vs Dynamic Typed Languages

Programming languages are categorised as either static typed ,or dynamic typed, and the differences may actually surprise, as they go deeper than it may seem at first. Contents: Dynamic Type Variables: The Obvious, but Superficial Difference Dynamic Types: A Deeper Difference Strange Behaviours Behaviour Summary: Total flexibiliy, total uncertainty Static Types Compile Time vs Run… Continue reading Static Typed vs Dynamic Typed Languages

Closures, methods, static methods, class methods

Everything you ever wondered about closures, and a few things more: Closures: just what are closures? Closures as code, packaged with parameters Methods as closures: Python Methods as closures: Kotlin Static Methods class level methods/companion object methods Closures: just what are closures? Lets start with an example, and then discuss how it works. The function… Continue reading Closures, methods, static methods, class methods

OOP: Using Kotlin to improve OOP Skills

Ok, Object Oriented Programming (OOP)is not exactly new, and there are lots of pages on OOP on the web.  This page comes from a background of both Python and Kotlin, and how improved programming styles offered by Kotlin can change how you program.  Although Kotlin automates newer techniques and provides assistance coding, you can 'backport'… Continue reading OOP: Using Kotlin to improve OOP Skills

Building in Intellij IDEA

This program is relevant for building your first "hello world" and first sample kotlin apps.  However, once you have even hello world running, it is recommended now to move to gradle for building, even when building with Intellij. The topics for this page: Introduction: why use Intellij at all. The Roles on an IDE What… Continue reading Building in Intellij IDEA

Nullable, null, None, Unit, Nothing and void: the many faces of nothing

Python has only one way of saying 'there is nothing here':  None.  Java has the keyword 'void' and the value 'null', kotlin has Unit, Nothing and null.  What is the actual difference in meaning for all of these? Python None Kotlin Unit, null and Nothing Java void and null The concept of 'Nullable' Null Safety… Continue reading Nullable, null, None, Unit, Nothing and void: the many faces of nothing